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Promote partnerships, agreements or cooperation agreements, collaborate with research centers and cooperate in the execution of projects, in the elaboration of programs, policies and incentives, as well as in obtaining resources from national and international organizations;
Collaborate with the public and private sectors in disseminating knowledge about the development of the CCS chain as an instrument for decarbonizing the economy and the Brazilian energy matrix;
Facilitate the approximation of its associates for permanent exchange of information and experiences;
Collaborate technically and issue opinions about one or more activities that make up the CCS chain;
Disseminate knowledge about the CCS chain, through research, studies, congresses, conferences, courses, seminars, symposiums, exhibitions, lectures, in addition to collaborating and producing content for traditional media;
Organize and participate in meetings, seminars, workshops and events aimed at promoting and encouraging the development of the CCS chain in Brazil;
Seek, together with the financial sectors, instruments to promote the activities that make up the CCS chain;
Participate in national and international organizations, as well as create delegations or other forms of representation that contribute to the promotion of CCS;
Stimulate, develop and participate in research projects, technological development and debates on matters related to one or more activities that make up the CCS chain;
Monitor and suggest adjustments to improve Brazilian legislation and regulations applicable to the CCS chain, as well as collaborate with government agencies.

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