become a member
member categories

For individuals who have experience or involvement in the development of scientific, technological, innovation projects, and other professional activities in companies related to Carbon Capture, Transportation, Utilization, and Storage and who are interested in participating in CCS Brasil.
For legal entities or organizations, whether public or private, that directly or indirectly carry out scientific, technological, innovation research, and business activities related to Carbon Capture, Transportation, Utilization, and Storage and are interested in participating in CCS Brasil.
Monitoring CCS initiatives and projects in Brazil and worldwide.
Access to the complete version of the CCS Annual Report in Brazil and other publications produced by us*.
Access to regulatory and institutional bulletins with the most relevant information and events in the sector
Access to working groups, workshops and events organized by us.
Participation in technical visits in international projects.
Discount for members in events and courses organized by CCS Brasil, as well as free participation in all meetings of our working group.
*The full report and some publications are exclusive benefits for corporate members.